Honor the Intangible

by Jon McAlice

The art of enacting a soul/spiritual pedagogical relationship rests on an understanding of being human that is not unduly limited by modern materialism. The human being as a whole is present in the world in what Steiner describes as three different ways. Each is the expression of a quality of relatedness. These three ways of being in the world – thinking, feeling and willing – weave through the 14 early morning lectures revealing different aspects of themselves as Steiner looks at them from different perspectives.

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Finding the Thread

By Jon McAlice

In a letter written in 1819 to his friend Chancellor Friedrich von Mueller, Goethe ventured that “you only recognize what you already know and understand.” One of the challenges of returning to the lectures in which Rudolf Steiner first laid out the fundamental gestures of what would become Waldorf education is to try and see them anew. It is easy to overlook nuances that don’t quite fit with the way we have become used to understanding these lectures. When we approach them fresh, without prejudice or pre-conceived notions, we can sometimes make unexpected discoveries. I remember one teacher, a woman who had taught for many years and was an avid reader of Steiner, suddenly declaring that there was a sentence in one of the lectures that had never been there before.

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Charting the Unknown

By Jon McAlice

It has only been three months since the first cases of respiratory illness caused by what has since proven to be a new strain of coronavirus were treated in Wuhan, China. Since then the virus has travelled around the world infecting some 740,000 people. To date, 35,000 people have died. In a mere 90 days, the spread of this virus has brought travel and much of the social interaction we are accustomed to to a standstill. Millions of people worldwide are living in various forms of isolation. Schools and businesses are closed; we are all wrestling with what has suddenly become the new reality.

As the outer structures shift and fall away, more existential questions of meaning move into the foreground. What does this moment in time ask of us?

This question is perhaps most pressing for teachers. Much of our work rests on the experienced presence of the students, the intangible nature of the space of warmth and interest that develops in a classroom, a studio or a practice room. It is difficult to find this through a digital interface. Is it possible to inhabit this virtual space in a way that our students can find their own source of inner warmth and interest?

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Being on Earth

Registration is open at the workshops page! 

We invite you to register for one or for all four of our upcoming February events in Santa Rosa.  The focus of the first two events is teaching adolescents and will be particularly appropriate for upper grades and high school teachers. The Wednesday and Thursday gatherings are open to all interested teachers.

At a time when our students lives are being increasingly influenced by the virtual, the question of the nature of embodied consciousness takes on new significance in education. The importance of learning through full-bodied experience will be a thread weaving through each of the four workshops.  

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February 2020 Workshops

Bay Area Waldorf high schools, CCS and BACWTT are collaborating to host a series of February workshops in Santa Rosa. Wilfried Sommer, Jon McAlice and others will lead events designed for upper grades and high school teachers, but open to all. There will be activities to build teaching capacities, as well as opportunities for either interdisciplinary or specific subject deepening.

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Fostering Creativity, Imagination and Initiative in Adolescents

Register now for the upcoming workshop for Upper Grades and High School teachers in Santa Rosa at www.findingcontext.org. Conference reading materials have been added to the workshop page.

February 17-19 at Summerfield Waldorf School

with San Francisco Waldorf School and the Waldorf School of the Penninsula

From Jon McAlice on the conference theme:

Only at the end of the first teachers’ course did Rudolf Steiner offer some thoughts concerning adolescent education. He refers obliquely to the challenges arising in education following puberty and makes it clear that as teachers we face a new challenge to “bring into the child’s soul life what comes from the nature of the limbs”. He points out that “just as the soul-teeth appear as a capacity to learn to read and write, an activity of imagination and a permeation of inner warmth announces what the soul develops” following puberty. The task of the teacher is to “emphasize particularly anything that depends on the soul’s capacity to fill things with inner love, that is, everything expressed by imagination.” And he concludes by saying that “[w]e are more justified in requiring the seven-year-old child to develop intellectuality through reading and writing than we are in neglecting to bring imagination continually into the power of judgment” that awakens in the young adolescent.

What is imagination? And what role does it play in adolescent development? How do we as teachers strengthen this new capacity in our students?

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High School Conference

Warm greetings for this holiday season!

With the recognition that meeting adolescents today requires something different from us as teachers, three Bay Area high schools are joining to form a working conference for Waldorf teachers.  We plan to meet in February in Santa Rosa to explore aspects of developing imagination, initiative and thinking in teenage students.  We will wrestle with the transition from standing in front of the students to standing beside them as they mature, and as our societal relationship to the access of information changes.  How are the the tasks of teaching and learning affected? How do we foster creativity and imagination today?

All upper school and high school Waldorf teachers are welcome to attend!! See the Conference Flyer for further details. Registration is open on the Workshops page.

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From Mathematical to Imaginative Thinking

What is the nature of mathematical thinking?  How does a child engage in mathematics at different stages of development?  What is the step from mathematical to imaginative thinking? 

In just 10 days, we will meet in NYC to explore these aspects of teaching math! Colleagues will describe classroom experiences with the Ten Theorems.   We will work with mathematical exercises in projective geometry, described by Rudolf Steiner in 1921 (GA76, Lecture 3), to practice moving on the path from mathematical to imaginative thinking.   You can still register on the workshops page online.  Meanwhile, here is a glimpse into the weekend’s theme.

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Math Research Colloquium - November 9-11, 2018

Registration is open on the website Workshops page!

As fall arrives, we look forward to gathering with Math teachers at the Rudolf Steiner School in Manhattan to share experiences of student learning!  For the second year we have collected and published Ten Theorems, invited you to work with them in the classroom, and to write up a description of your research.

Which of the ten theorems are you most intrigued by?  Would you like to share your teaching experience with one of “The Ten Theorems Take Two” at our Math gathering in November?

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Teaching Math – Action Research

In November 2017, teachers presented results of working with one of “The Ten Theorems”. In 2018, we would like to deepen this action research. We have a new list of theorems, “The Ten Theorems Take Two”, and more specific questions to take with you on the journey into the classroom. This year, we invite you to bring a problem or theorem to students in at least two different grades, ranging from grade 6 to grade 12.

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An Ecology of the Etheric in Education, Part III

There is a good deal of controversy concerning the effects of digital technology (and the media it makes possible) on child development and health. Although pediatricians around the world recommend severely limiting young children’s’ access to digital devices, software companies continue to develop and market so-called “educational apps” for young children. How young? There are many apps aimed at 2-year old children, the so-called “toddler”. These are children who have learned to walk and are in the most vital period of language development. The relation of the development of language to the way we think has been the focus of a number of studies. In German idealism, the three capacities of uprightness, language and thought and their relation to one another were viewed as the primary signature of the human being, what set humans apart from their animal and plant brothers and sisters. Rudolf Steiner took this thought a step further describing how in the process of acquiring these capacities a child lays the foundation for future qualities of relatedness. The way a child comes to experience himself or herself in relation to the world is colored by the way they learned to walk, by the quality of authenticity in the language they imitate and by the clarity and steadiness of thought expressed in their surroundings.

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Transforming the Classroom to Meet New Needs

Register now for this gathering of young colleagues on April 6-8, 2018!

As a new generation of teachers has taken up the task of teaching, we are met with ever changing needs from our students.  By exploring these questions and looking into student observation practices, we hope to receive the insights needed to craft the learning environments and methods that meet the developmental needs of our students today. 

The conference will be held in the Harlemville, NY area from Friday evening to Sunday early afternoon. Although intended for younger colleagues, anyone, regardless of age and experience, who feels connected to these questions is invited to attend. For more information see the Conference Details or contact Kristin Buckbee kbuckb@gmail.com.  Register online on the Workshops page.


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2017 Science Conference Lectures

Next week, we will gather in Santa Rosa for the fifth Phenomena to Insight science teachers working conference to explore the themes of life and light.  More detailed information about the conference can be found by clicking through the buttons on the workshop page.  Please register now if you are planning to attend!  You can do this online or by contacting Beth at www.findingcontext.org.

We will have two open lectures as part of the conference this year.  Both will take place in Sophia Hall on the Summerfield campus, and offer windows into the conference themes. Read this blog to find descriptions of the lectures, as well as an excerpt from a related article by Wilfried Sommer.


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CCS Blog and Conference Update

In our 10th year at the Center for Contextual Studies (CCS), as the number of workshop events increases, we are taking steps to streamline our communications with you.  We are combining our individual email contact lists and connecting them to the Blog on the Website.   We will send out updates on the Blog no more than once per week, and they will include information about upcoming events, short essays written out of our experiences, as well as longer pieces which will then be catalogued on the “Writings” portion of the website.   If you would like to publish something from your teaching or research work, please send it along!

For this initial Blog, we would like to introduce an article on the “writings” page and to remind you to register for the upcoming February teacher conferences.   You are receiving this email because you have attended a CCS event in the past or have been referred to us as someone who might be interested in attending in the future.  If you wish to stop receiving emails about events or writings from CCS please choose your preferences in the link below.  You may unsubscribe completely, or you may choose to only receive event notices.

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Ten Theorems Take Two: Project 2018

The first installment of our Ten Theorems Project culminated at the Teachers’ Colloquium in New York City in November, 2017. Four teachers took up the research task of working on one of these theorems with their students, documenting that work, and reporting on their work at the Colloquium. Their research papers are available on the "writings" page

We are now inviting submissions for Take Two of the Ten Theorems. In addition to the wonderful “puzzle problems”, like Mrs. Wiggs’ Cabbages from the 2017 list, we invite you to also submit theorems that would require a longer-term approach. Could one theorem motivate an entire main lesson block? A semester of track class? A full-year course? Perhaps there is something of interest from your own mathematical work, the “unpacking” of which could provide material for the students you teach.

Please forward your submissions to Beth Weisburn, baw@sonic.net and to Marisha Plotnik, mplotnik@steiner.edu before February 28, 2018.

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An Ecology of the Etheric in Education, Part II

Our warmest wishes for a creative new year, full of exciting discoveries and insights!

In the coming year the central focus here at the Center for Contextual Studies will continue to be the nature of the etheric and the role our understanding of the etheric plays in education. The winter conferences in Santa Rosa, the gathering for younger teachers this spring and the planned summer seminar in Hillsdale, NY will all address different aspects of the question of the etheric in education and how we can cultivate a stronger relationship to these forces of formative vitality.

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An Ecology of the Etheric in Education, Part I

For some time now I have tried to better understand how the changes that have taken place since Steiner’s time affect what is needed in education. The world is certainly much different than it was then. Human impact on the environment has changed the natural world on a scale we have yet to fathom. The cultural environment of children has certainly changed. Gone are the uniquely place-based characters of villages, regions, and neighborhoods. Even cities have lost much of their differences. And the shifts in how we find a relationship to the divine, how we regard the acquisition of knowledge and the growth of understanding point to a deep change in the spiritual life of a child’s surroundings. What do these changes mean for the way we think about education?

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