Warm greetings for this holiday season!
With the recognition that meeting adolescents today requires something different from us as teachers, three Bay Area high schools are joining together this winter to form a working conference for Waldorf teachers. We plan to meet in February in Santa Rosa to explore aspects of developing imagination, initiative and thinking in teenage students. We will wrestle with the transition from standing in front of the students to standing beside them as they mature, and as our societal relationship to the access of information changes. How are the the tasks of teaching and learning affected? How do we foster creativity and imagination today?
All upper grades and high school Waldorf teachers are welcome to attend!! We will work experientially, and collaboratively, to better understand adolescents, and to develop further capacities for teaching over these three full days. Mornings, we will focus on the conference theme with Joan Caldarera and Jon McAlice, followed by artistic or skill-building activities for teachers. In the afternoons we will break into groups by discipline to look at practices for increasing student self-directed activity. Please plan to attend the entire conference, so that our work can build together.
See the Conference Flyer for further details. Registration is open on the Workshops page of the CCS website. Conference fees include food so that we can maximize our time for working together. Please contact Beth at findingcontextorg@gmail.com if you have a large group attending or need financial support. For lodging, there are many AirBnB possibilities in the area, but they will fill up as the dates approach! Book them well in advance to find a reasonable price.
We hope you join us in this new endeavor.