The first installment of our Ten Theorems Project culminated at the Teachers’ Colloquium in New York City in November, 2017. Four teachers took up the research task of working on one of these theorems with their students, documenting that work, and reporting on their work at the Colloquium. Their research papers are available on the "writings" page. We hope that you find their reflections to be interesting and inspiring.
We are now inviting submissions for Take Two of the Ten Theorems. In addition to the wonderful “puzzle problems”, like Mrs. Wiggs’ Cabbages from the 2017 list, we invite you to also submit theorems that would require a longer-term approach. Could one theorem motivate an entire main lesson block? A semester of track class? A full-year course? Perhaps there is something of interest from your own mathematical work, the “unpacking” of which could provide material for the students you teach.
Please forward your submissions to Beth Weisburn, and to Marisha Plotnik, before February 28, 2018.