The Ten Theorems Launch

It's been quite a delight to try out your submissions and assemble our final list for the November, 2017 Mathematics research colloquium.   You can find The Ten Theorems by selecting the button on the "The Ten Theorems Project"  page of this website.  We think there's something here for everyone, from sixth graders to twelfth graders, things with numbers and things with geometry. Now the fun begins!

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Economics Gathering Report

Over the weekend of December 6th, 2016, 12 colleagues met at the Maine Coast Waldorf School to discuss the place of economics in the Waldorf school curriculum.  The wide ranging conversations covered topics, including places in the K-12 curriculum where we find elements of economics; topics for a high school main lesson in economics; the role of the Threefold Social Order in the curriculum; and a list of reference materials on various economics topics.

Steve Crimy and Robert Sim have written a report summarizing the December economics event which can be found on the "Writings" page.  

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Science Teachers Conference Update

In just over two weeks, teachers will gather in Santa Rosa to explore the stages of scientific understanding in relation to the birth of the astral body, beginning with sixth grade, in morning demonstrations with Wilfried Sommer and Craig Holdrege.  

Themes of "sustainability" and the "atom" will be addressed in the afternoon sessions.   

Does the sense world provide a knowledge and wisdom that is beyond the mechanical aspects of atomic concepts?  If yes, how are we able to grasp them?  Wilfried Sommer, Wade Cavin and John Petering will work with these questions in Physics and Chemistry experiments.

The terms “sustainability” and “sustainability education” point to our relation to earth.   Craig Holdrege, Jon McAlice and Ronni Sands will collaborate to lead an exploration of aspects of sustainability, especially with respect to the Waldorf school curriculum.

If you plan to attend, register now for the Science Teachers’ conference, so that we can prepare!


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February 2017 Workshops

As the days grow shorter, and the weather colder, at CCS we are planning back-to-back events for the week of February 18-25, 2017 at Summerfield Waldorf School, working with these themes:

      Finding a new approach to understanding the will

      Understanding the relation between science and the birth of the astral body

These events will provide a context for teachers to work together, to focus on what Waldorf education can become and to grapple with the challenges coming towards us as educators.

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Education today

Writing about education today is not easy. There are many, many theories, programs, curricula and approaches vying for attention. Adding something to that mix is not necessarily productive. Yet, as a teacher, I find little in contemporary educational writing that addresses the radical challenge we encounter in children today. We live in a time in which many, if not all, the fundamental assumptions we hold concerning education must be reassessed. Why? Because the sociocultural context in which they were developed no longer exists. Our children are growing up in a world that bears little resemblance to the world that gave birth to what we tend to think of as education. Even the most radical educationalists of the past century or so could not have imagined the world we live in today.

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