In June, Waldorf high schools in North America have the unique opportunity for Juniors, Seniors and Alumni to participate in an international conference called the “Kassel Youth Symposium” which is organized by the Kassel Teacher Training College. This year, this event is being broadcast to English speaking schools around the world for the first time in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the opening of the first Waldorf high school.
The Center for Contextual Studies will host the event in North America and would like to invite your students to participate. For this special year, the Symposium will feature an American author and three college professors collaborating with the theme of “Conditio humana” or “the human condition”.
Wilfried Sommer, from the Teacher Training College in Kassel, whom many of you have met at our CCS conferences is one of the speakers and organizers of this event. He will begin with a special opening lecture, live-streamed in English for North American audiences. The “Conditio humana” website includes speaker profiles and a schedule for the event in Germany.
Conditio Humana Conference - June 8-11, 2021
The conference will consist of 3 ½ days of live-streamed or recorded lectures, a daily in-person breakout discussion session hosted by a local liaison from your school, and a North American breakout section hosted by Jon McAlice using Zoom. To facilitate the live breakout section with Jon, we have formed possible local schedules for each of the time zones. Only the live-streamed and North American Discussion zoom sessions need to be at the suggested times. You are free to form your own schedule which works for your school.
Each school that participates will need to identify a teacher to be the local liaison. The liaison would be responsible for coordinating events at their school, for attending 2-3 meetings on zoom with North American liaisons, and for communicating with us at the Center for Contextual Studies regarding any details.
School liaisons should register on the CCS website for this “Conditio Humana” workshop. We look forward to working with you in this collaborative endeavor! Feel free to contact Beth with questions.