For our first in-person gathering since February, 2020, we will meet for a one-day intensive at the San Francisco Waldorf High School on Saturday, November 6! Waldorf teachers in grades 6-12, as well as students in teacher education programs, are warmly invited to join this collaborative event for Bay Area Schools.
Jon McAlice will bring seed thoughts and activities that focus on practices of attentiveness and imagination that allow us to enter more fully into the learning experiences of our students. The lecture “Practical Training in Thought” by Rudolf Steiner provides reading context and can be found at
Wednesday Zoom lecture: On Wednesday evening, November 3, 6:30-8:00 p.m Pacific Time, Jon will give a Zoom talk, “The Inner Life of the Teacher” for BACWTT that will be related to Saturday’s work. If you register for the Saturday event, you can also attend this lecture, we will send you the link once your are registered.
Registration: Register through the workshop page on the CCS Website now, so we can plan for in-person attendance at the San Francisco Waldorf High School. Masks are required for indoor activities.
This event is part of a larger, collaborative initiative of Bay Area schools, Bay Area Center for Waldorf Teacher Training (BACWTT) and the Center for Contextual Studies (CCS) to form High School Teacher Education Program (HSTEP). It is sponsored by the San Francisco Waldorf High School.
Questions can be addressed directly to any of the North Bay School Contacts: Joan Caldarera, Beth Weisburn, America Worden, Lisa Babinet, Bonnee Majzen, Ken Smith. You can also email Beth at