What inspires your teaching? How are you crafting educational community? What tips would you like to share for teachers in these times? Although we cannot gather in person, this February, some colleagues have asked if we could meet using Zoom to foster dialogue between teachers from different schools.
We will host sessions on three consecutive days, for colleagues to consider the task of teaching as described by Rudolf Steiner in the first lecture for the teacher’s course in 1919. With this as background we will engage in open dialogue around the challenges teachers are experiencing at the moment, and what education might look like going forward. There will be time to reflect on your recent experiences, share ideas, and also take breaks as needed.
In his opening lecture to the first Waldorf teachers, Rudolf Steiner is succinct: “When seen from a spiritual perspective, the task of education is to bring the soul-spirit into harmony with the life-body.”
Today, in our present situation of isolation, social unrest, and screen dependency, how do we even begin to approach this work? What does it look like to foster soul development under these conditions? What are the practices which support health in the life-body? How can we discern the relative harmony of the soul-spirit and the life-body? Insights into these questions can change us as teachers and can help us with our own physical and emotional balance. How can we bring these ideas to life, and, in doing so, access the qualities of presence and the skills needed to stand in front of students in our becoming, as teachers?
As we did last spring with the “Inner Life of the Teacher” meetings on Zoom, we are offering a place for dialog for three mornings in February, to cultivate collaborative interaction with colleagues around these questions.
Perhaps, after the online encounters, you can then bring to earth what you are experiencing via Zoom by taking a walk outdoors with a colleague each day, or by engaging in an artistic activity together, in person, at your school.
Please register right away, as we are limiting these sessions to 30 partcipants!
Registration: Select the “Crafting Educational Community” Workshop on the CCS Website.