2023 Summer Intensive for High School Teachers
All high school teachers -- both new and experienced -- are invited to a special High School Intensive week. Together with Jon McAlice, we will consider the shift from imparting knowledge in our schools, to narrating the world in ways that allow it to come to life for our students.
Can we identify the not yet speakable questions of our students?
How do we grow these questions? What activities bring them to life?
How can we bring a sense of adventure to our teaching?
We will meet for 5-6 full days this summer to deepen our experience of the physical, soul and spiritual nature of the human being. Activities will include singing, observation, black and white rendering, study each morning. There will be a unique opportunity for participants to work collaboratively to develop interdisciplinary experiences for students.
Date and Time: Monday-Friday, July 3-7, 2023 from 8:30 - 4:00
Location: San Francisco Waldorf High School, possibly visit Filigreen Farm
Cost: $400 including morning snacks, but not lunch.
Information: contact Beth at findingcontextorg@gmail.com
All Waldorf teachers are welcome and encouraged to attend!!!
This workshop is a collaborative effort of San Francisco Waldorf School and the Center for Contextual Studies.